Super Robot Wars Dd. Super Robot Wars (スーパーロボット大戦 Sūpā Robotto Taisen also known as Super Robot Taisen) commonly abbreviated as SRW and SupaRobo (スパロボ) is a series of tactical roleplaying video games produced by the Japanese gaming company Banpresto a division of Bandai Namco Starting out as a spinoff of the Compati Hero Series the main feature of the franchise.
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The SRX also known as the Super Robot XType is a Banpresto Original Mecha from the SRWexclusive series Chouki Taisen SRX debuting in Neo Super Robot Wars Part of the SRX Project it is formed from the Variable Formation (aka Only One Crash) of R1 R2 Powered and R3 Powered It is also capable of using the RGun Powered as a weapon the HTB Cannon The.