Repository Esa Unggul. Collections Repository Undergraduate Theses (11419) Non Degree (1173) Master Theses (1098) PhD Theses (6) Scientific Articles (653 ) TINGKAT PEMAHAMAN DOSEN PROGRAM STUDI ILMU KOMUNIKASI UNIVERSITAS ESA UNGGUL TERHADAP KONSEP MERDEKA BELAJAR KAMPUS MERDEKA Journal • 5 views KONSEP DAN IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM MERDEKA.
Medina Diyah Kusumawati S Research Works Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarta And Other Places from ResearchGate
Universitas Esa Unggul Perguruan Tinggi Swasta terkemuka dan menjadi salah satu Universitas Swasta terbaik di Indonesia yang menciptakan mahasiswa yang.
Repository Universitas Esa Unggul – asengmosedhayannaibaho
This study aims to determine the results of student achievement in implementing the Student Entrepreneurial Program (PMW) by components of cognitive affective and behavioral And component based destination Student Entrepreneurial Program (PMW) The analytical method used was a qualitative research methods Data was collected through questionnaires.
Seminar Web Esa Unggul University
PDF fileArrozi MSi Akt CA( Esa Unggul University Indonesia) 10 Dr Suherman (Universitas Negeri Jakarta Indonesia) 6 Division of Seminar and call for paper Activities 1 Dr Pardiman SE MM (FEB Universitas Islam Malang) 2 DrSapto Jumono (FEB Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarta) 3 Maslichah SE Msi Akt CA (FEB Universitas Islam Malang) 4 Dr Nurul Badriyah SE MM (FEB.
The Effect of Organizational Culture on Technology
ESA UNGGUL MAGAZINE EDISI 35 Created by Markom UEU Property of Humas Department Published by UEU at 20/10/2020 232601 • 271 Views ESA UNGGUL MAGAZINE EDISI 34 Created by Markom UEU Property of Humas Department Published by UEU at 20/10/2020 232324 • 275 Views ESA UNGGUL MAGAZINE EDISI 33 Created by Markom UEU.
Medina Diyah Kusumawati S Research Works Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarta And Other Places
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Seminar Web Esa Unggul University
Jurnal Ekonomi published by Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul This journal is an open access peerreviewed this journal dedicated to the publication of research in all aspects of economic and business Jurnal Ekonomi is published two times a year and accepts original research articles featuring welldesigned studies with clearly analyzed and logically interpreted.