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Qi Lifecare Find Gyms, Yoga, Pilates, Zumba and Fitness
A holistic health & fitness service Tai Chi & Qigong for groups and individuals Services also include lifestyle counselling nutrition diet analysis weight loss stress management exercise and pregnancy exercise for older adults injury rehabilitation exercise for sufferers of chronic diseases and disabilities Available in East Hampshire & West Sussex.
Qi Fitness — Qi Methods
Qi FitnessQi fitness is a unique combination of Dao Yin Stretching Wudang “Hard Qigong ” Xing Yi 5Element Boxing and Taido “3dimensional” body movements Many of these exercises were originally designed to develop the body mind and spirit of aspiring martial artists however you do NOT need to be a martial arts expert to enjoy these classes and gain the benefit of a healthy mind.
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At Qi Lifecare we hope you give us the opportunity to help you live a longer fuller and healthier life Gym With the emphasis on personalized precision exercise and diet our revolutionary new programs world class technology and new concepts will reshape your body increase your metabolism and help you to lose weight on a longterm basis.
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