Nova Biomedical Phox. Одделот Дијагностика вклучува повеќе медицински гранки во амбулантнополиклиничка дејност Активностите на овој оддел се насочени кон брза и точна дијагноза на проблемите на пациентот и посочување на соодветен.
Allegro M C Instruments from Fvf9TEfyYyvOYM
XLS filepara calibrar analizador nova phox para la determinacion cuantitativa de na+k+clca++gluphpco2po2so2%hbhtodiagnostico in vitro 200 muestras y 300 muestras nova biomedical corporation ice* syphilis enzimoinminoanalisis para la detec de ac frente a treponema pallidum para diagin vitro kit x 96 98 y 480 ensayos de 2 a 8°c recomline torch.
Nova Biomedical ist in der Entwicklung von schnellen VollblutAnalysesystemen zur Unterstützung der Pflege von hospitalisierten und schwerkranken Patienten weltweit führend Nova stellt mobile Meter zur Analyse von Glukose Ketonen Laktat und Kreatinin für PointofCareTests her Unabhängig davon ob die Tests im Zentrallabor oder in der Notaufnahme Chirurgie.
Nova Biomedical develops, manufactures, and sells advanced
Nova Biomedical is the world technology leader in the development of fast whole blood analyzers to support the care of hospitalized and critically ill patients Nova analyzers offer the most extensive stat test menus and deliver results in the shortest time at the lowest costs Nova also provides handheld meterandstrip based measuring systems for glucose ketone lactate and.
Allegro M C Instruments
Nova Biomedical entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt
Pointofcare testing (POCT): Current techniques and
Nova Biomedical Stat Profile pHOx/pHOx Plus/pHOx Plus L Nova CRT Stat Profile Critical Care Xpress OPTI Medical Systems AVOXimeter 4000 OPTI CCATS und OPTI R Radiometer ABL5 ABL800 FLEX ABL800 BASIC ABL90 Roche Diagnostics cobas b 123 cobas b 221 Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics Rapidlab 248/348 800 1200 Rapidpoint.