Dog Control Pole. Description The KetchAll Dog Control Pole is a patented high qualityconstructed device designed for the humane handling of domestic dogs and wild mammals while giving maximum protection to the handler Made in the USA from aircraft grade aluminium While the standard 3′ (90cm) 4′ (120 cm) and 5’ (150 cm) poles are the most popular models for general use the extendable models (4’ to 6’ (120180 cm) or (7’ to 12’ (210360 cm) are ideal when various lengths may be required Brand KetchAllPrice Range £8394 £15594Offer Count 6.

Reasonable MeasuresCommunity Protection NoticeCivil InjunctionCriminal Behaviour OrderPublic Spaces Protection OrderPolice Dog Legislation OfficerYou must only include measures that can be enforced in an order or civil injunction These must also be reasonable for a person responsible for the dog to take They can include 1 microchipping compulsory for every dog from 6 April 2016 2 restricting where a dog can go and when eg by putting it on a lead 3 keeping the dog on a lead 4 muzzling the dog eg around children 5 neutering the dog 6 fixing fences 7 installing a letter cage (to protect anyone delivering post) 8 cleaning kennels and disposing of dog waste 9 attending classes (eg to educate the dog owner or to train the dog) 10 specifying how old you have to be to look after the dog 11 with antisocial behaviour preventing the owner from meeting named individuals with the dog Be clear about both of the following 1 what you want your measures to achieve 2 how long it should take for your measures to be achieved Consult with relevant experts eg a vet or a dog legislation officer (DLO) before you issue the A community protection notice (CPN) orders the person responsible for the dog (usually the dog owner) to stop or control its behaviour A CPNis usually issued to deal with minor incidents including when a dog 1 strays 2 causes alarm 3 damages property 4 shows it’s capable of aggression A CPNorders the responsible person to 1 stop doing something eg letting the dog into children’s play areas 2 do specified things eg muzzling the dog 3 take reasonable steps to get specific results eg attending dogtraining classes A CPNcan last for as long as the authority issuing itbelieves is necessary (eg 2 weeks to fix a fence or several months toallow someone to attend a training course) A civil injunction can be issued against someone aged 10 or over who’s using or threatening to use a dog in antisocial behaviour eg when intimidating someone A civil injunction is usually issued 1 to deal with more serious antisocial behaviour than that covered by a CPN 2 when the person responsible for the dog has previously been told to change their behaviour but hasn’t done so If the owner or dog’s behaviour is harmful or likely to harmothers a civil injunction can include the power to arrest someone immediately A civil injunction can be issued by 1 a police officer 2 a council officer 3 an RSLapproved by a council 4 the Environment Agency (EA) 5 Natural Resources Wales (NRB) 6 Transport for London (TfL) 7 NHS Protect 8 Public Health Wales A civil injunction can last 1 indefinitely for over18s 2 up to a year for under18s You must consult your local youth offending team before issuinga civil injunction against someone under 18 A criminal behaviour order (CBO) can be issued to anyone aged 10or over who has both 1 been convicted of a criminal offence already 2 shown persistent and serious antisocial behaviour A CBOcan deal with a wide range of antisocial behaviour to 1 prevent or stop it 2 deal with its causes eg if a dog has already attacked someone and the local community believes the owner can’t control it Police or councils must provide evidence and ask a prosecutor usually the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to apply for the CBO The hearing will take place either after or at the same time as sentencing for the criminal conviction An appropriate person eg DLO or animal welfare officermust supervise CBO requirements The CBOmust state who this person is A CBOcan last 1 1 to 3 years for under18s 2 2 years to indefinitely for over18s Councils can use a public spaces protection order (PSPO) to placerestrictions on a public area such as a park or a town centre Restrictions can apply to either 1 all dog owners 2 owners who meet specific conditions set out by the council Councils can make a PSPOunless they’re 1 a parish or town council in England 2 a community council in Wales PSPOrestrictions include 1 limiting how many dogs can be walked by an owner at one time 2 requiring dogs to be on a lead in a specific public area 3 requiring owners to pick up their dog’s litter 4 preventing dogs from being in a certain place eg a children’s play area in a park A PSPOlasts up to 3 years and can be renewed Every police service should have a trained dog legislation officer (DLO) If it doesn’t it must have procedures in place so that it can access a DLO The DLOshould be someone who is both 1 trained in dog law 2 understands how to identify a banned dog The DLOmust be able to act as a single point of contact for anyone investigating dogrelated crimes.
Control dogs GOV.UK
Animal Control Poles Strong yet lightweight and humane this dog snare is constructed with a heavygauge ribbed aluminium tube to provide a truly nonslip grip Its unique twohanded operation promotes maximum safety Features an internal locking cam that secures the noose to the appropriate size and position to fit adult cats to large dogs and other animals.
Quick Release Dog Grasper MDC Exports
MDC’s animal handling poles have been specifically designed to safely restrain and control animals by gently tightening a noose over the animal’s neck allowing animal control staff to keep a safe distance from a stray or known to be dangerous dog as well as other small and medium wild animals Also available are nets for capturing stray dogs and grabbers for use on feral cats.
Ketch All Animal Restraint Pole Snare 4ft Vicious Mean Dog Cat Metal W Cable Vet 157 70 Picclick
KetchAll Dog Control Pole Perdix Wildlife Supplies
Animal Control Poles Eickemeyer Veterinary Equipment
Poles & Graspers for Animal Control MDC Exports
A slip noose cable attached to a sturdy pole for animal handling professionals to safely retract restrain and control animals by tightening over an animal’s head and neck Available in four lengths Instant release Replacement cable available Using a grasper has proved to be the most positive and effective way to catch a stray dog to rescue a dog which is trapped and distressed or to deal safely and humanely with a dog which is hostile Offer Count 4Price Range £66 £96.