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Char siu Wikipedia
Nasi lengko terdiri dari potongan tempe tahu timun taoge rebus dan disiram bumbu kacang serta kecap manis Ciri khas nasi lengko khas Cirebon menggunakan irisan kucai Santapan ini terbilang sederhana tetapi nikmat Baca juga Resep Nasi Uduk Tanpa Santan Masak Pakai Rice Cooker biar Praktis.
Char siu (Chinese 叉燒 pinyin chāshāo Cantonese Yale chāsīu) is a Cantonese style of barbecued pork It is eaten with rice or used as an ingredient for noodle dishes or stir fries or as a filling for chasiu baau Fivespice powder is the primary spice honey or other sweeteners are used as a glaze and the characteristic red color comes from the red yeast rice when made.
Bumbu Sop Kambing Sop Khas Madura Spesial Bumbu Giling Sop Kambing Madura Shopee Indonesia
Lontong Wikipedia
Resep Nasi Lengko Cirebon, Bisa untuk Vegetarian
Resep Rendang Daging Sapi yang Empuk, Enak, dan Sederhana
Lontong is an Indonesian dish made of compressed rice cake in the form of a cylinder wrapped inside a banana leaf commonly found in Indonesia Malaysia and SingaporeRice is rolled inside a banana leaf and boiled then cut into small cakes as a staple food replacement of steamed riceThe texture is similar to those of ketupat with the difference being that the ketupat.