Artium Magister. The History Department is a thriving part of Central European University (CEU) the only transnational Englishlanguage graduate school in Europe that is accredited both on the Continent (in Hungary) and in the United States.
It is not to be confused with the magister‘s degree (magister artium or magister scientiarum) a degree requiring 7–8 years of studies with strong emphasis on the scientific thesis and which is the approximate equivalent of a PhD degree References.
Cand.mag. Wikipedia
A magister degree (also magistar female form magistra from Latin magister “teacher”) is an academic degree used in various systems of higher education The magister degree arose in medieval universities in Europe and was originally equal to the doctorate while the doctorate was originally conferred in theology law and medicine the magister degree was usually conferred.
Christian Lindner – Wikipedia
Bachelors Equiv Bachelor Diplom Magister Artium Masters Equiv Master Doktor/Promotion Ghana Minimum GPA Upper Second Class Bachelors Equiv Bachelor`s – 4 years of study Masters Equiv Master`s Greece Minimum GPA 75/10 A Minus GPA 85/10 B Plus GPA 8/10 Bachelors Equiv Ptychio or *Diploma – see notes Masters Equiv Metaptychiako Diploma.
Magister degree Wikipedia
Artium Magister (“Master of Arts”) Ap Sed Leg Apostolicae Sedis Legatus (“Legate of the Apostolic See”) Archiep Archiepiscopus (“Archbishop”) Archid Archidiaconus (“Archdeacon”) Archiprb Archipresbyter (“Archpriest”) ASC Adorers of the Blood of Christ ASCJ Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus ASSP Angelic Sisters of St Paul.
Correct Spelling For Artium Magister Infographic Spellchecker Net
Abbreviations Seen after Names of Clergy & Religious
Department of History Central European University
International Credentials Equivalencies – School of
Masters Degree or Master’s Degree? Grammarly
Christian Wolfgang Lindner (* 7 Januar 1979 in Wuppertal) ist ein deutscher Politiker ()Er ist seit dem 7 Dezember 2013 der vierzehnte Bundesvorsitzende der FDP und seit dem 8 Dezember 2021 Bundesminister der Finanzen im Kabinett Scholz Von 2000 bis 2009 und erneut von Mai 2012 bis Oktober 2017 gehörte er dem Landtag in NordrheinWestfalen an Von Oktober 2009.