A&M Waterproofing. A & M WATERPROOFING INC was registered on Mar 16 1983 as a domestic profit corporation type with the address 696 LAKE DR SE SMYRNA GA 300822814 USA The company id for this entity is J303054 There are 2 director records in this entity The agent name for this entity is GANDY JR CHARLES V The entity’s status is Dissolved now A & M Waterproofing Inc’s.
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A & M WATERPROOFING Waterproofing 8 Griffiths St
A & M WATERPROOFING INC Company Number 0068408700 Status Forfeited Existence Incorporation Date 19 December 1983 (almost 38 years ago) Dissolution Date 5 August 2016 Company Type Domestic ForProfit Corporation Jurisdiction Texas (US) Registered Address 6838 TEN CURVES RD SPRING 77379 TX USA Alternative Names A & M WATERPROOFING INC.
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A M Waterproofing Co for address phone website and other contact information Phone number 7705167816 The address is 321 Bell Park DrWoodstockGeorgia30188US in the Waterproofing sectorLocation 341241415454167845101225348297 (navigation code to find A M Waterproofing Co).
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“You answered our call late in the evening and worked until 400 AM to get the water out and start the drying process quickly Then the next day you stayed with us as we discovered mold problem from water the house has previously had and you guys handled the remediation process professionally thoroughly and promptly Now that we have finished our rebuilding I can also.